Black & White Bushido

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Las cosas rara vez son blancas o negras, pero ese no es el caso de Black & White Bushido. Con una banda sonora original y unos magníficos y estilizados efectos visuales en 2D, eres un samurái de la luz o de la sombra que se enfrenta a sus oponentes en una arena de combate. El estilo en blanco y negro convierte cada campo de batalla en un lugar peligroso, lleno de escondites para que los cuatro jugadores luchen y se oculten. Es un concepto sencillo que se reduce a un conjunto infinitamente rejugable de sesiones de combate a muerte por equipos o de captura de la bandera.

Black & White Bushido es un juego de lucha en la arena entre samuráis de la luz y de la sombra.

Black & White Bushido Instrucciones de activación

Black & White Bushido Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by Switch Player
24 de mayo de 2019

Black and White Bushido has a clever USP but lacks the depth that would keep players coming back. It’s not going to hold your attention for too long.

Review by The Digital Fix
11 de febrero de 2019

Overall, Black & White Bushido is an interesting take on the platformer fighter genre with some intriguing ideas and simple yet entertaining mechanics. Unfortunately, beyond AI bots, the game doesn’t include any form of story or campaign. As a local multiplayer party game, though, it’s a good value buy to be added in any party night’s rotation.

Review by Nintendo Enthusiast
6 de noviembre de 2018

While it is unlikely that Black and White Bushido will ever compel you to turn away from TowerFall for very long, it’s great for a quick match every now and then. Just don’t pick this up expecting to be blown away.

Review by GamingTrend
6 de junio de 2017

Black & White Bushido is a very fun game to play with a group of friends, but doesn’t deliver any enjoyable content for gamers who would rather play on their own. While some of the spawn points in the game can come off as unfair, most of the time the game delivers as an entertaining and exciting battle arena, that I can definitely see being a hit at parties.

Review by ICXM
29 de mayo de 2017

Black and White Bushido is simple. Without much complexity to itself mechanically, and a tiny amount of content available for the price, this isn’t a game that you need to jump out and buy straight away. Outside of the draw of its unique color-based mechanic, Black and White Bushido is an extremely average indie title that would be tempting to pick up during a sale but undeniably forgettable outside of one.

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Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 2 de octubre de 2015
Editor Green Man Loaded, Good Catch Ltd
Contenido calificado T (Teen)
Modos de juego Un solo jugador, Multijugador, Cooperativa
Perspectivas de los jugadores Vista lateral
Géneros Arcade, Lucha contra, Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
Temas Acción, Sigilo, Fiesta
Plataformas Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch