EA Sports UFC 3


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EA SPORTS UFC 3 revoluciona el movimiento auténtico de los combates con Real Player Motion Tech, una nueva tecnología de animación que ofrece el movimiento atlético más sensible y auténtico de los juegos deportivos. Cada puñetazo, patada, bloqueo y contraataque ha sido recapturado y reconstruido con la tecnología más avanzada de captura de movimiento para que parezca y se sienta real y sensible, ofreciendo una experiencia de lucha más competitiva. En el modo Carrera de G.O.A.T., los jugadores deben dar bombo a sus combates para ganar seguidores, ganar dinero para entrenar en nuevos gimnasios y crear acaloradas rivalidades con otros luchadores para captar la atención del mundo. La forma de promocionar fuera del octógono es tan importante como la forma de actuar dentro de él a medida que avanzas para convertirte en el mejor de todos los tiempos. Además, un nuevo conjunto de modos multijugador personalizables te permiten a ti y a tus amigos entrar en el octógono y enfrentarse en combates rápidos, divertidos e intensos en los que un nocaut de primera fila está siempre a un solo golpe y la victoria se produce en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

EA Sports UFC 3 Instrucciones de activación

EA Sports UFC 3 Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by ImAppalled2020 [user]
27 de diciembre de 2019

In a word, appalling. Why are the options for tattoo choices only limited to generic designs and objectified images of women? Why not includeIn a word, appalling. Why are the options for tattoo choices only limited to generic designs and objectified images of women? Why not include designs that feature men being sexualised as well? So sexist, and so disappointing. UFC must stand for u **** c****.

Review by AlPetroff [user]
1 de agosto de 2019

Extremely realistic game and pure enjoyment! I was never a fan of UFC fights, but this game really captivated me with graphics, realism andExtremely realistic game and pure enjoyment! I was never a fan of UFC fights, but this game really captivated me with graphics, realism and suspense. I exulted when won my first fight, it was not an easy one, going to build a fighter career there now:) See no disadvantages in the game, maybe I have nothing to compare with. However it can upset those who used to play only usual fightings like Mortal Combat where your fighter had no stamina which you needed to keep and just fought to kill. Here tactics is everything!

Review by superman36 [user]
4 de enero de 2019

i have a idea about the dead expression audience. for more realism you could add detailed expression and reaction to crowd per fighters hit.i have a idea about the dead expression audience. for more realism you could add detailed expression and reaction to crowd per fighters hit. the idea came from fighting and knocking out somebody and I stared at the crowd during replay and seen dead looks on their faces no reaction or expression. im sure you can code in some content to fix that ea

Review by MondoXbox
18 de febrero de 2018

The best game in the series so far, with lots of modes and a revamped and captivating Career mode. EA made a great job both on the graphics side, with a great rendition of all the players, and the gameplay, improving all the systems and making it more accessible to newbies too.

Review by XGN
12 de febrero de 2018

UFC 3 is very nice fighting game, but that doesn't mean it is a good wrestling game. The ground game leaves to be desired and really takes down the quality of the game. Overall the look and feel of UFC 3 entirely is still pretty decent.

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Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 2 de febrero de 2018
Editor Electronic Arts, EA Canada
Contenido calificado T (Teen)
Modos de juego Multijugador, Un solo jugador
Perspectivas de los jugadores Tercera persona
Géneros Lucha contra, Deporte
Temas Acción, No ficción
Plataformas PlayStation 4, Xbox One