Fire Emblem Warriors

¿Conoces a alguien a quien le pueda gustar este juego?


"Enfréntate a legiones de soldados y feroces monstruos como Marth, Xander, Corrin y otros héroes de Fire Emblem desatando poderosos movimientos al estilo Dynasty Warriors. Controla directamente a los personajes conocidos y originales de Fire Emblem, dales órdenes estratégicas en medio de la batalla, empareja a los héroes para desatar ataques impresionantes y mucho más. Desbloquea nuevos héroes jugables, cada uno con sus propios movimientos, ataques especiales, tipos de armas y diálogos con voz en este juego de acción a gran escala del equipo de Hyrule Warriors."


Aquel día, el país de Aitriss estaba cubierto por la más absoluta oscuridad. No hubo ningún aviso cuando las "Puertas del Otro Mundo" aparecieron de repente en el castillo real. Entonces, poderosos monstruos salieron uno tras otro, pisoteando la guarnición del castillo.

-El castillo real cayó rápidamente. Y lenta pero inexorablemente, la oscuridad devoró el país.

Sin embargo, aún hay esperanza. Las dos sombras que escaparon del castillo real cubierto de llamas fueron Shion y Liane, los hijos del difunto rey. Y entonces, el hilo del destino que tejieron los héroes legendarios comenzó a girar...

Llevando el "Escudo de Fuego" que les dio su madre, aquí comienza el viaje de los dos héroes para enfrentarse a la poderosa oscuridad.

Fire Emblem Warriors Instrucciones de activación

Fire Emblem Warriors Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by Oldskoolberk [user]
13 de junio de 2020

I have fluctuated back and forth with this score in part because some parts are absolutely excellent and other parts were meh. I like theI have fluctuated back and forth with this score in part because some parts are absolutely excellent and other parts were meh. I like the controls and the strategy behind the certain levels of play. I think the cutscenes were pretty solid as well on a graphic level.My two key issues are the graphic details on the game (which is very terrible at times) and the storyline is pretty thin. It's a bit disappointing on that end.

Review by CD-Action
10 de enero de 2018

An attempt to blend Fire Emblem with Dynasty Warriors might seem an odd idea. Where’s the common ground between a tactical RPG and an over-the-top slasher, right? It actually worked out pretty well, as the game managed to retain Fire Emblem’s atmosphere. If you’re a fan of the series and not allergic to Dynasty Warriors’ formula, give it a try.

Review by RPG Fan
20 de noviembre de 2017

The marriage between the Warriors and Fire Emblem franchises has yielded one of the deepest and most engaging games the Warriors series has done to date.

Review by Vooks
13 de noviembre de 2017

Hyrule Warriors may be one of my favourite games on the Wii U, and while I wasn’t as engaged in the characters and world of Fire Emblem Warriors, I loved every minute of the game both on N3DS and Switch. While the game is still fresh and will have several DLC and updates in the months to come, if you have any interest in a musou game, this is easily the best and smoothest on the Switch so far.

Review by shado474 [user]
7 de noviembre de 2017

A Musou game that includes interesting improvements from its predecessor, Hyrule Warriors, but also new flaws.I like how 4 characters can beA Musou game that includes interesting improvements from its predecessor, Hyrule Warriors, but also new flaws.I like how 4 characters can be alternatively controlled in game and how they can be told what to do to improve the sense of strategy. The game wonderfully implements Fire Emblem features like the affinity system and the class changes, which makes it feel like a true Fire Emblem spin-off.On the other hand, the storyline is quite disappointing in terms of difficulty, so especially those who played other Warriors games should play on hard mode right from the start and enjoy the extra gold and XP, while feeling some (still quite little) sense of accomplishment. Hopefully the FE-emblematic "lunatic" difficulty unlocks at some point after completion. I also find the absence of larger and trickier bosses to be lacking in this game and makes the whole experience more dull than Hyrule Warriors. The voice acting is fine during the battles and story cut scenes, but becomes quickly quite annoying in the menus, especially while unlocking a bunch of crests. Similarly to Hyrule Warriors, playing in multiplayer mode (2 players on the same Switch) considerably reduces the soldier spawn rate but most annoyingly regularly reduces frame rate.Overall, the content seems a little thin, especially compared to the last entry in the series, but hopefully the upcoming DLC will fix that by also bringing some more challenge into the game.

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Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 28 de septiembre de 2017
Editor Koei Tecmo Games, Omega Force, Team NINJA, Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd., Nintendo
Contenido calificado T (Teen)
Modos de juego Cooperativa, Un solo jugador
Perspectivas de los jugadores Tercera persona
Géneros Juegos de rol (RPG), Simulador, Táctico, Estrategia, Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
Temas Acción, Histórico, Fantasía
Plataformas Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Switch, New Nintendo 3DS