Infamous: Second Son


Infamous: First Light

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inFAMOUS Second Son, una exclusiva de PlayStation 4 , te trae un juego de acción y aventura en el que, rodeados de una sociedad que les teme, los superhumanos son perseguidos sin piedad y enjaulados por el Departamento de Protección Unificada. Adéntrate en un Seattle encerrado como Delsin Rowe, que ha descubierto recientemente su poder sobrehumano y ahora es capaz de luchar contra el opresivo DUP. Disfruta de tu poder mientras eliges cómo llevar tus impresionantes habilidades al límite y sé testigo de las consecuencias de tus acciones mientras afectan a la ciudad y a la gente que te rodea.

Infamous: Second Son Instrucciones de activación

Infamous: Second Son Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by ShortReviews [user]

Beyond the visual experience, Infamous Second Son, offers interesting and likable characters that makes for an enjoyable gaming experience.Beyond the visual experience, Infamous Second Son, offers interesting and likable characters that makes for an enjoyable gaming experience. Sucker Punch also did a great job at building up a Villain. After completing 2 playthroughs the game may become boring and repetitive. Worth a buy.

Review by Legend_of_Link [user]

This is my favorite game of next gen, last gen, and even the gen before that. It's graphics are stellar. All the powers are satisfying and funThis is my favorite game of next gen, last gen, and even the gen before that. It's graphics are stellar. All the powers are satisfying and fun to use, and they're all different, the gameplay is the definition of fluidity. The story is amazing as well. I have nothing bad to say, except maybe there could've been more powers.

Review by 1234 [user]

Just finished doing both play throughs both good and evil karma. good points of the game, the graphics are smooth and vibrant (next gen!), iJust finished doing both play throughs both good and evil karma. good points of the game, the graphics are smooth and vibrant (next gen!), i enjoyed the story and the characters within the game and overall its alot of fun. however there are bad aspects :/. i personally felt that the game was way too easy (even on expert)especially to get trophies. i would of liked to see a bit more variation when doing the side activities for example taking control of sections of the map by destroying the D.U.P sectors and gaining shards is just too much the same and the novelty can wear off quickly. also i would of like to see a bit of character customisation within the game instead of just being able to change his jacket. the bad parts are only my opinion and dont really hinder the game, overall its enjoyable.

Review by Quarter to Three

Second Son looks fantastic and from a technical perspective, it’s a pretty impressive feat especially given that the game is out less than six months from the release of the Playstation 4. Unfortunately the gameplay isn’t up to par with the light show. Like the neon that Delsin channels, it’s all light and no heat.

Review by unluckydice [user]

This game is just sooo AWESOME, fun and funny at times, It really does show off the power of the Ps4, with so many lighting effects, andThis game is just sooo AWESOME, fun and funny at times, It really does show off the power of the Ps4, with so many lighting effects, and spectacular horizons, although a couple of downsides were the story little character development with a weak ending, although it does just make up for this by creating an awesome superhero with cool powers!

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Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 2014-03-21
Editor Sucker Punch Productions, Sony Computer Entertainment
Contenido calificado T (Teen)
Modos de juego Un solo jugador
Perspectivas de los jugadores Tercera persona
Géneros Aventura, Tirador, Plataforma
Temas Acción, Mundo abierto, Caja de arena
Plataformas PlayStation 4