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En todas las dimensiones, la única constante es la oscuridad. Un viaje RPG-roguelike generado proceduralmente a través del multiverso.

En One Way Heroics, asumes el papel de un intrépido aventurero que debe viajar a través de la tierra y enfrentarse al Señor de los Demonios antes de que una misteriosa oscuridad lo envuelva todo.

La oscuridad siempre se acerca por la izquierda, y con cada movimiento, ataque y acción que realizas, la oscuridad se arrastra cada vez más cerca. Obligado a correr hacia la derecha, te encontrarás con un sinfín de monstruos, aliados, ladrones y tiendas en tu desesperado viaje para detener el fin de todo.

La buena noticia es que no sólo tienes acceso a un mundo. Tienes acceso a todos ellos. Nacido con el misterioso poder de viajar a otras dimensiones, puedes elegir a qué dimensión deseas viajar para llegar hasta el Señor de los Demonios.

Las dimensiones varían según su nombre. Una puede estar repleta de exuberantes paisajes forestales llenos de adorables animales y astutos ladrones, mientras que otra puede estar llena de corruptos paisajes infernales infestados de demonios. Puede que encuentres héroes afines dispuestos a viajar contigo, o puede que no encuentres a nadie y te veas obligado a aventurarte solo en lo desconocido.

¿Te gusta una dimensión que ya has visitado? Sólo tienes que introducir el nombre en la pantalla de selección de dimensión antes de comenzar tu viaje. ¿Quieres probar suerte con una dimensión aleatoria? Escribe cualquier palabra que se te pase por la cabeza y observa cómo One Way Heroics te construye un mundo basado en el nombre que hayas elegido.

Infinitas permutaciones. Mundos infinitos. Aventura infinita.

One Way Heroics Instrucciones de activación

One Way Heroics Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by xDaudex [user]
10 de octubre de 2015

Pros:Different characters to play as.The fairy telling you what you did wrong when you fail is pretty cool.Cons:Each playthrough isPros:Different characters to play as.The fairy telling you what you did wrong when you fail is pretty cool.Cons:Each playthrough is too similar.Gameplay is not that interesting.Not enough randomness.

Review by RPGamer
3 de mayo de 2015

The difficulty scales well, so it works both as a single-serving distraction and as an extended campaign to unlock all of the secrets.

Review by Trujas [user]
29 de abril de 2015

RPG with old Zelda's videogames point of view, random generated worlds and rogue-like? HELL YES!!!Prepare to die, die & die, at leastRPG with old Zelda's videogames point of view, random generated worlds and rogue-like? HELL YES!!!Prepare to die, die & die, at least several times until you take experience from the previous games and make your way to the final stage. 3€ is worth for this great videogame.

Review by genericman [user]
8 de julio de 2014

Very old, charming rogue like game, very similar to the newer, now very popular FTL though no where near as RNG based. If you fail in thisVery old, charming rogue like game, very similar to the newer, now very popular FTL though no where near as RNG based. If you fail in this game you'll know it was your doing and where you should improve upon. The story is simple but it doesn't need anything grandiose, the characters you meet are charming enough for the very little you'll see of them, the one major NPC ally is always nice to talk to for some fun dialog.A fun game for someone who has a half an hour to spend every so often.Hunter is OP

Review by kavinh [user]
5 de abril de 2014

for 4 dollars there's no reason not to pick it up the story in the game is incredible and the song perfectly suits the mood but unless you'vefor 4 dollars there's no reason not to pick it up the story in the game is incredible and the song perfectly suits the mood but unless you've played deeper into the game you won't understand the truth behind the story.The first few playthroughs will be a simple level up grab items then fight and kill the demon lord as you access other dimensions you'll begin to run into npcs who slowly divulge their part of the story and eventually what came to be a simple hero defeats demon lord story turns into a much deeper tale.The game will require you to die multiple times in ur journey that's normal with each death you gain points to improve your character and which allows you to transfer over equipment from a previous death meanwhile unlocking perks classes and modes allowing you to bring over exceptionally powerful items or key items over for subsequent playthroughs some of which are required to achieve the true ending.To those reading this this game is not meant to be played in a simple one game playthroughs you are suppose to repeat playthroughs in order to come across more lore via npcs, so to the people who've only played it once and assume the game's over play it again there are 3 different endings which are slightly changed based on the difficulty as well as flavor text for each of the npc if you get their affection towards you up.The reviewer who claims this game is unforgiving is frankly incompetent at his job, its a roguelike its suppose to kill you, you gain points after each playthrough to improve your character and frankly the first 2 modes that come unlocked are extremely easy in comparison to the harder difficulties. The game will not instantly kill you unless you run left, anyone who claims this is unforgiving should quit gaming to play neopets, its entirely fair and even if the map generated isn't that beneficial the game gives the players 2 incredibly powerful abilities the first of which gives u freezes time for everyone but yourself allowing you 3 free turns and is usable 5 times a journey. the other is reliant on which class you're using but gives you a massive boost to combat such as increasing healing damage combo rates.

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Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 28 de febrero de 2014
Editor SmokingWOLF, PLAYISM
Modos de juego Un solo jugador
Perspectivas de los jugadores Vista de pájaro / Isométrica
Géneros Indie, Juegos de rol (RPG)
Temas Fantasía
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows)