Prince of Persia

¿Conoces a alguien a quien le pueda gustar este juego?


Prince of Persia es un videojuego de acción-aventura y plataformas desarrollado por Ubisoft Montreal y publicado por Ubisoft. Forma parte de la franquicia Prince of Persia. El juego salió a la venta en Estados Unidos el 2 de diciembre de 2008 para PlayStation 3 y Xbox 360 y el 9 de diciembre de 2008 para Microsoft Windows. Más tarde, el 24 de marzo de 2009, salió a la venta para Mac OS X con el motor Cider.
El juego está ambientado en la antigua Persia, con un jugador-personaje cuyo nombre no se revela en el juego. Le acompaña una mujer llamada Elika, a la que conoce después de que una gran tormenta de arena le desvíe de su rumbo y acabe en una tierra misteriosa. Los jugadores atraviesan muchos entornos diferentes utilizando sus habilidades acrobáticas para escalar paredes e incluso arrastrarse por los techos. A lo largo del viaje, los jugadores luchan contra varios enemigos mientras intentan limpiar la tierra de la corrupción.


Prince of Persia tiene lugar en una antigua ciudad-estado persa indefinida, basada en gran medida en la religión del zoroastrismo. Mil años antes de que tengan lugar los acontecimientos del juego, hubo una lucha por el poder entre los dioses Ahriman y Ormazd. El resultado de la lucha fue que Ormazd y su pueblo, los Ahura, consiguieron encerrar a Ahriman y a sus secuaces, los Corruptos, en un árbol. Ormazd entonces abandonó el mundo, dejando a los Ahura para asegurarse de que Ahriman permanezca seguro. Tuvieron éxito durante mil años, momento en el que los Ahura empezaron a creer que Ahriman y Ormazd eran mitos debido a su inactividad, y la mayoría se marchó. Poco antes de los acontecimientos del juego, Ahriman está a punto de ser liberado de nuevo

Prince of Persia Instrucciones de activación

Prince of Persia Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by IONOSGAMES [user]
12 de septiembre de 2017

Un juego de zonas abiertas que iras desbloqueando a lo largo de ljuego. Parkour y enfrentamientos pausados, nada freneticos. Lo unico que esteUn juego de zonas abiertas que iras desbloqueando a lo largo de ljuego. Parkour y enfrentamientos pausados, nada freneticos. Lo unico que este proyagonista tiene de principe es su apodo. Para desbloquear nuevas zonas deberas recolectar semillas de luz. Un juego disfrutable repetitivo a mas no poderm pero con un final que te deja muy mal, y te hace sentir que no merecio la pena.

Review by great3v [user]
2 de diciembre de 2012

For me it was never a problem with game's difficulty. I liked the game more then i expected because it put me in the sense of flow that iFor me it was never a problem with game's difficulty. I liked the game more then i expected because it put me in the sense of flow that i rarely experience in video games nowadays. But what makes it stand out for me so much is that when you make the biggest game decision you never question your choice or it's outcome and you accept all consequences while saying "It was all worth it" and spilling a little tear at the end. The biggest pleasure i got was AFTER i finished the game and realized what was it about and why things happened how they happened. Its a masterpiece. Simple, but it doesn't have to be difficult to be good. Its a perfect example of story-based video games that actually put a "story" and a "video game" not running along but depending on each other 100%.

Review by Alok125554 [user]
18 de mayo de 2012

While playing this game YOU HAVE TO FORGET ABOUT CLASSIC STORY AND ENVIRONMENT. In simple words game fully just with your money. You surelyWhile playing this game YOU HAVE TO FORGET ABOUT CLASSIC STORY AND ENVIRONMENT. In simple words game fully just with your money. You surely gonna enjoy it, yeah a bit easy it is but its fun.A simple story and simple gameplay. Art style looks nice. As a spin-off its a good addition to series.

Review by Sean [user]
7 de abril de 2009

The game starts out pretty cool; you get to do some fun acrobatics and you have access to all the combat combos from the beginning, which are The game starts out pretty cool; you get to do some fun acrobatics and you have access to all the combat combos from the beginning, which are nice to watch the first few times you do them. But it quickly starts dragging. There are 20 main levels plus 4 boss levels. Every single one of them is super repetitive. Not to mention the fact that you have to go through each level twice in order to pick up all the light seeds after you cleanse the level. The fights are also boring and repetitive and completely lacking in challenge, given the fact that you cannot die. If you happen to mess up and get "killed," you are saved by your companion, the opponent regains some health, and the fight continues. So in summary, for about 30 minutes the game is fun. The visuals are nice, the controls are simple, the camera works decently (occasional screwiness, but on the whole, satisfying). But the repetitiveness, lack of excitement and challenge, the prevalence of annoying and contrived obstacles, and the poor quality of combat drags it all down very quickly. I'm not sure how it got so many high scores from the critics. Perhaps they played it for less than an hour.

Review by BonidexG. [user]
16 de enero de 2009

Great game. At first, I felt sorry that the controls were so simplified. Later, my fingers and the keyboard thanked for that. It's good Great game. At first, I felt sorry that the controls were so simplified. Later, my fingers and the keyboard thanked for that. It's good that the game got easier than the 3 first ones. This way, it's possible to play it well on the keyboard and the mouse. I didn't like the story at first. But when we discover the twist at the middle of the game, then you realize: that's PoP, alright. The ending made me love this game. It's so dramatic. The connection I felt with Elika was so strong, that I could let her go.

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Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 2 de diciembre de 2008
Editor Ubisoft Montreal
Contenido calificado T (Teen)
Modos de juego Un solo jugador
Perspectivas de los jugadores Tercera persona
Géneros Aventura, Plataforma, Puzzle
Temas Acción, Histórico
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Mac