The Inner Friend

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Guiado por una misteriosa Sombra, enfréntate a los miedos y pesadillas que habitan en su universo subconsciente materializado. Sumérgete en un mundo único e inquietante para revivir los recuerdos de la infancia de la Sombra y superarlos para restaurar lo que una vez fue un refugio seguro. Viajarás cada vez más profundo a través del subconsciente para desentrañar una historia rica pero sin palabras y te encontrarás con seres horripilantes a los que deberás eludir. Al final, sin embargo, tendrás que enfrentarte a ellos.

The Inner Friend presenta un rico entorno visual, apoyado por un paisaje sonoro envolvente y una banda sonora cinematográfica que potencian la inmersión y los momentos emotivos. El movimiento, las imágenes y la música son las principales formas que tiene el jugador de interactuar con la Sombra, su guía a lo largo del descenso. Oscuro y aterrador, misterioso en ocasiones, el mundo de The Inner Friend es una representación surrealista de recuerdos y miedos.


Viaje a través de un mundo surrealista inspirado en las pesadillas infantiles y la psicología.
Supera obstáculos, resuelve puzles y derrota a enemigos de pesadilla.
Gánate la confianza de la Sombra para desbloquear nuevos desafíos y fragmentos de la historia.
Sumérgete en una narrativa visual con una interfaz minimalista.
Reconstruye el refugio de la Sombra para salvarle de sus miedos más oscuros.

The Inner Friend Instrucciones de activación

The Inner Friend Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by Eurogamer Italy
6 de mayo de 2020

The Inner Friend is eerie and visually stunning. Vibe, soundtrack and 3D scenarios are its strongest qualities. PLAYMIND should focus to improve narrative and gameplay, to not fall behind games of the same genre.

Review by GameCritics
5 de mayo de 2020

I zipped through The Inner Friend in under two hours, but I’d imagine it could be completed even more quickly — I wasn’t good at the chase scenes, and kept getting kicked back to checkpoints. However, even with a short running time, this beautiful story about loss, trauma, and finding the strength to rebuild oneself after falling to pieces is a beautiful experience. It’s stunning, in a broken, decayed way, and I’d recommend it to nearly anyone who’s willing to take a chance on a game built around storytelling without words.

Review by SuperkenGaming [user]
22 de abril de 2020

The inner friendNot quite sure what I just playedThe inner friend is a 1 and a half hour long 3d aventure game with very light puzzleThe inner friendNot quite sure what I just playedThe inner friend is a 1 and a half hour long 3d aventure game with very light puzzle elements where you play as a boy figure… and this game is one of those look for the deeper meaning games… it’s a lot of falling and walking around through what seem to be memories of a child, dealing with fears such as an awful teacher or getting your haircut… memories that have created monsters in your head… and all you have is yourself.. your inner friend to escape and make everything okay…this is a very interesting game to say the least and it can be terrifying at times…while I don’t feel the inner friend is a must play game.. I definitely don’t regret playing through it… aside from the story that is kinda just background noise to this sometimes stealthy little adventure game, I appreciate the little the inner friend accomplishes in its hour and a half… I would’ve liked a more fleshed out adventure here.. and that is ultimately my biggest gripe with this game.. it doesn’t feel fleshed out.. pun intended.I loved the horror sections, I loved the tiny ico sections.. but these moments were just flashes in the pan of the other wise pretty mediocre experiencethe inner friend is an odd game… an odd game I wish there was more too than what we got…Not necessarily longer.. just a bit more substance…I give the inner frienda 6.0/10

Review by COGconnected
17 de septiembre de 2018

In short, The Inner Friend is enjoyable, if not much too short title that is open to interpretation in its story. This game is worth a play if you can scrounge up the cash. The experience alone is worth picking it up. And yet, PLAYMIND could have explored so much with this idea. Once again the game is much too short, leaving that potential untapped. Adding some more clues to the protagonist’s real identity and what they did prior would help a lot when players start to examine the game. Regardless, pick it up if you feel like spending a little bit of cash on a nice, spooky, surreal game. Your inner friend will thank you.

Review by New Game Network
7 de septiembre de 2018

The Inner Friend was in much need of adding risk to its puzzles and encounters, if it hoped to create the eerie, unsettling atmosphere of which its subject matter and visual design are more than capable.

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Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 6 de septiembre de 2018
Contenido calificado T (Teen)
Modos de juego Un solo jugador
Perspectivas de los jugadores Primera persona
Géneros Aventura, Indie, Puzzle
Temas Acción, Horror, Thriller, Misterio
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One