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Al principio, un oficial naval nazi y un grupo de marineros alemanes a bordo del acorazado Tirpitz han sido engañados haciéndoles creer que B.J. Blazkowitz es el general después de ponerse el sombrero, las botas y la chaqueta del general. Tras ver que la sangre gotea del borde de la chaqueta, los marineros se dan cuenta de que hay un espía a bordo que ha matado al verdadero general. Mientras Blazkowitz lucha con los hombres de a bordo, es obligado a rendirse por un oficial, que le ordena que le muestre el objeto luminoso escondido en la chaqueta.

Encuentra un misterioso medallón en la chaqueta del general y el oficial ordena a los hombres que lo maten, pero accidentalmente aprieta el gatillo que proyecta un escudo sobre él que refleja las balas hacia los hombres, creando una onda de energía cósmica que funde a los hombres y al oficial. Secuestrando un avión de un aviador alemán, escapa del Tirpitz que explota y regresa al cuartel general de la OSA. Durante una reunión en el cuartel general de la OSA, se entera de que el medallón necesita unos cristales llamados Nachtsonne (que sólo se encuentran en Isenstadt) para poder utilizar todo su poder. Los nazis han comenzado a excavar en busca de cristales, dirigidos por un general nazi llamado Victor Zetta. Blazkowicz es enviado a Isenstadt, pero su tapadera es descubierta por un informante desconocido. Entonces se encuentra con agentes del Círculo de Kreisau y, con ellos, llega a Isenstadt.

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Wolfenstein Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by ImperialYama [user]
17 de enero de 2021

This is more like a Sequel to me and you should see it like this aswell. It offers so many unique things that will blow you mind. It's worthThis is more like a Sequel to me and you should see it like this aswell. It offers so many unique things that will blow you mind. It's worth playing this game for sure. What i really love is that they made this Wolfenstein game even more paranormal than Return to castle wolfenstein and the weapon arsenal is the best one i have ever seen in modern age shooters. You need a little patience before the game actually starts with the fun part, but oh boiy it will be worth.

Review by ImperialYama [user]
17 de enero de 2021

This is more like a Sequel to me and you should see it like this aswell. It offers so many unique things that will blow you mind. It's worthThis is more like a Sequel to me and you should see it like this aswell. It offers so many unique things that will blow you mind. It's worth playing this game for sure. What i really love is that they made this Wolfenstein game even more paranormal than Return to castle wolfenstein and the weapon arsenal is the best one i have ever seen in modern age shooters. You need a little patience before the game actually starts with the fun part, but oh boiy it will be worth.

Review by Apakungen [user]
21 de abril de 2020

The idea with a hub-system, that forces you to run through the same areas and kill the same enemies time and again, is just ridiculous. ApartThe idea with a hub-system, that forces you to run through the same areas and kill the same enemies time and again, is just ridiculous. Apart from that, Wolfenstein 2009 does what you´ve come to expect from ID Software in later years - it delivers good, non-stop action, without bringing anything new to the table.

Review by Apakungen [user]
21 de abril de 2020

The idea with a hub-system, that forces you to run through the same areas and kill the same enemies time and again, is just ridiculous. ApartThe idea with a hub-system, that forces you to run through the same areas and kill the same enemies time and again, is just ridiculous. Apart from that, Wolfenstein 2009 does what you´ve come to expect from ID Software in later years - it delivers good, non-stop action, without bringing anything new to the table.

Review by Jinx [user]
20 de mayo de 2014

Fun enough shooter, but nothing special really. If you just want to blast some Nazis you're going to have a good time. But it lacks a bit ofFun enough shooter, but nothing special really. If you just want to blast some Nazis you're going to have a good time. But it lacks a bit of the character the other games had.

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Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 18 de agosto de 2009
Editor Raven Software, Activision
Contenido calificado M (Mature)
Modos de juego Multijugador, Un solo jugador
Perspectivas de los jugadores Primera persona
Géneros Tirador
Temas Acción, Ciencia ficción, Mundo abierto, Histórico, Fantasía, Sigilo
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360